Scottish Parliament Committees
Health and Social Care Committee of the Scottish Parliament - 3rd September 2024
Input in relation to the 2025-26 pre-budget scrutiny for Integrated Joint (Health) Boards.
IJBs, integrate health and social care with the intention to ensure people have access to the services and support they need with the longer term aim that services be redesigned and improved to provide a strong focus on prevention, quality and sustainability.
For further information see:
Health, Social Care and Sport Committee 22nd Meeting, 2024 | Scottish Parliament Website

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Policy Briefings

Implications for policy and practice​
Older adults living in Scotland continue to focus their health concerns mainly on cancer and dementia. Reassurance that these remain important public health priorities, supported with easy access to healthcare when needed, is an important public health message.
Older adults in Scotland are confident they would be safe from COVID-19 in healthcare settings and are not therefore worried about physically attending an appointment. Getting access to the care they need is the main concern.
Policymakers and practitioners should focus on health service provider issues rather than individual level barriers to access and engagement with health and care services.